Reveal BI Whitepapers and Reports

Get access to in-depth report, eBooks, whitepapers on business intelligence, data visualization and embedded analytics.


Self-Service Embedded BI

This whitepaper explores the challenges and functionalities of self-service embedded BI platforms, explains the benefits and the transformative impact of self-service embedded BI for organizations, and guides you through the successful implementation. Read more in our comprehensive overview.


The ROI of Embedded Analytics: Factors Influencing Your Return on Investment

In this whitepaper, we explore the topic of ROI in embedded analytics in detail, covering cost considerations, the pros and cons of different pricing models, metrics for measuring ROI, and more. You will also understand the importance of choosing the right embedded analytics vendor and how the vendor’s licensing model can influence your return on investment.


End-to-End Embedded BI Deployment Guide

This whitepaper explores the journey of deploying an Embedded BI solution, outlining the strategic planning, selection, development, and continuous improvement phases necessary for successful implementation.


Embedded Analytics vs. Traditional BI: Choosing the Right Path for Your Data Needs 

Now more than ever, businesses are inundated with data, requiring robust tools for analysis, decision-making and driving growth. The landscape of data analytics is dominated by two models: Embedded Analytics and Traditional Business Intelligence (BI).   Each offers distinct benefits and could be pivotal in leveraging data to drive business success.   This whitepaper delves into these […]

Top Software Development Challenges for 2024

Reveal Survey Report: Top Software Development Challenges for 2024 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been dominating the headlines, with everyone from software developers to students working on ways to integrate it into their daily processes. AI could help diagnose medical conditions, transform national security, and expedite tasks. But there are also significant concerns in education, intellectual property, and privacy.   


Embedded BI Features Checklist: Choose the Right Solution Tailored to Your Business Needs

Our essential features checklist has been created to guide you through a systematic evaluation process. By prioritizing and understanding the essential embedded BI features, you’ll be equipped to make an informed decision and pick the right solution tailored to your business.

reveal survey report on software development biggest challenges

Reveal Survey Report: Top Software Development Challenges for 2023

Keeping pace with innovation in developer tools, managing workload, security threats, and project management are other major pain points for 2023. The survey also revealed that software developers continue to struggle with communication and collaboration tools in the new digital environment. 

what to ask your embedded analytics vendor

Top 7 Questions to Ask When Choosing an Embedded Analytics Vendor

This guide outlines the 7 essential questions to consider asking when evaluating different embedded analytics vendors, ensuring you choose a vendor that aligns with your business needs, budget, and strategic goals.


Reveal Is One of the Highest Performing Embedded Analytics Software According to G2 Crowd

In this whitepaper, we are going to focus on G2’s latest report on Embedded Analytics Intelligence vendors – the category in which our product Reveal has been rated as one of the leading embedded analytics products on the market scoring a satisfaction rate of 4.8 out of 5.