Scriptly Helps Pharmacies Identify Trends in Real Time with Reveal
It’s important that analytics and visualizations are embedded within the ERP software itselfitself, so users don’t have to export the data to a separate application. And if the analytics are easy for business users to use with self-service capabilities, then more people throughout a company can do deeper dives into a range of pertinent business data.
Continue reading...Having company insights at your fingertips is the most valuable advantage of mobile BI. You are not limited to one computer in one location, but instead, you can access important data information on your mobile device at any time and from any location.
Continue reading...What is App Modernization? App modernization is the process of taking older, legacy applications and updating their platform architecture to take advantage of modern systems and features. A great example of app modernization is adding embedded analytics to your application. Embedded analytics help add value to your applications by embedding real-time reporting, interactive data visualization and advanced analytics more quickly than building them yourself. Make complex information comprehensible […]
Continue reading...Data-driven insights can help you identify business opportunities, detect customer journey leaks, and proactively identify weaknesses in your product before they grow into serious problems.
Continue reading...The benefits of embedded analytics are endless, but we consider these advantages to be the most important for businesses.
Continue reading...A Treemap Chart is designed for drill-down scenarios. It shows the relative weight of data points at more than one level allowing users to continuously drill down deeper into the data set that is represented by smaller rectangles for more efficient analysis.
Continue reading...We are excited to announce a few new updates to the Reveal embedded analytics SDK in order to provide more customization. Showing Tooltips We have added a new event that will give you more flexibility with how you show Tooltips in your visualizations. The event is called revealView.TooltipShowing in WPF and .onTooltipShowing in Web and is triggered whenever the end-user […]
Continue reading...Reveal is all about providing you with ready-to-integrate data visualizations with embedded analytics. An important part is making sure that the elements you are embedding into your applications match the look and feel. For our application users, Reveal now has two themes provided out of the box—Mountain and Ocean—that look beautiful in both light and […]
Continue reading...We are thrilled today to announce another big update for our Reveal product! This release is packed with features that touch on today’s hottest topics and trends: Predictive and Advanced Analytics Machine Learning R & Python Scripting Big Data Connectors Advanced Visualization Interactions and much more I’ll highlight each feature in this blog, and with the screen shots you’ll […]
Continue reading...In this blog, I’m going to show you how to create a population pyramid chart that provides an attractive at-a-glance view of the demographics of a country, typically broken down by male/female, though it can be used for other demographics as well. Here’s what the final chart will look like: Before diving into how you can create a population pyramid chart, let’s first review some of the basic chart types. What […]
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